This was quite intense month in terms of processing part of the material from our Balkans trip in September, attending crazy Halloween themed event organised by @uk.shooters community on Instagram, as well as dealing with two broken hard drives and some data loss.
360 Panoramas
While being Street View Trusted and accredited by Google, I wanted to experiment with panoramas from the sky.
Firstly what came to my mind is to creating a rig to mount Ricoh Theta S under my drone and fly around taking photos. Then came the issue with how to trigger the camera remotely - I could upgrade my Arduino remote trigger to shot a photo every X seconds and attaching it to the drone as well, but I think it was too overhead.
Instead, I bought and tried Litchi App - which has a mode that takes set amount of photos per row and set amount of rows. Then you have to stitch them to panoramas yourself.
As a result I ended up with quite a few gigapanoramas that even Google wouldn't accept as they were to big, so had to resize them down to about 72 megapixels to upload them.
Srebrenik Fortress, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Zlatni Rat beach, Croatia
What I learned from this is that it was a big mistake to take all the photos on auto exposure mode. It should have been shot on locked exposure, so the stitching software would have an easier go with matching them.
Halloween meet #uks_halloween
Thanks to @uk.shooters (a passionate community that hosts photography and creative meets around the UK) for organising such crazy event at Leake Street Tunnel in London. While I've tried some light painting for the first time last month, this was another lesson to try our some new techniques.
25mm at f/8, ISO 200, Live Composite ~15sec, 1 sec exposure time between photos
40mm at f/2.8, ISO 6400, 1/80 sec