I am allowing use of my images in two ways.
Creative Commons License
You are free to:
- Share - copy and redistribute the image in any medium or format
- Adapt - remix, transform, and build upon the image
Under the following terms:
- Attribution - You must give appropriate credit along with the image:
Tomasz Turczyński / NewsPress - Non-Commercial - You may not use the image for commercial purposes under any circumstances.
Sample accepted use of the Creative Commons License:
- Blog posts
- Online article discussing the growing popularity of my photography
- An individual using an image as a desktop background for the computer monitor
License to Copyright
For more information about "Commercial Use" regarding the use of my images online or offline please contact me via e-mail or contact form here.
Licence summary
- English version of this licence: CC BY-NC 3.0
- Polska wersja licencji: CC BY-NC 3.0 PL